Facebook friends will tag status reviews

Soon Facebook will let users "tag" their friends in the comments to publish status, similar to how they can do with the photographs.

The product manager Andrew Huang said the state labels that appear within a few weeks are about "commitment." He said that Facebook wants to let users place a reference to his contacts in the real world of state publications.

For example, if an update of the state, a user mentions that she is having lunch with a friend, you can tag in publishing the name of that friend. That will make it easier for someone to draw all state publications mentioning that particular friend, no matter who has been posted.

It's similar to how someone can now easily take pictures of a friend, regardless of the user who has taken and shared. People may also make references to brands and businesses that have pages on Facebook, as well as events, groups and applications.

To use the new attribute, users should put the "at" sign in their publications. This will activate a menu that is displayed down the input line, from which users can select friends to whom they refer. The symbol for "at" will not appear in the commentary itself, only a link will appear with the name of the person.

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