Some developments in organic gadgets

The electronic environmental concerns, or so-called "green" technology, was one of the main trends exhibited in the latest edition of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which occurred last week in Las Vegas, USA. The event, considered one of the most important sector, assembled from keyboards made of bamboo, mobile phone chargers based on human energy and battery chargers that work with the energy of wind and sun.

Keyboard, mouse and headphones of wood:

The Impeccable presented at CES its line of keyboards, mice and headset made of bamboo. In the opinion of the site TreeHugger, wooden objects totally innovate the experience of using computers, leading people to take better care of the product and increase their durability. The launch date has not yet reached the market, but the keyboard and mouse set will cost about $ 80.

Battery Charger:
The launch of the Easy Energy promises to load the phone with the power user. According to the company, one minute stretching Yogen rope is enough to charge a mobile. The string produces a steady flow of power to five watts for mobile devices. Many technology sites include the smooth operation of the charger, which innovates in relation to similar existing market share in the crank on the rope. The product costs about $ 40 and can be purchased directly from the website of the company.

Battery charger:
The battery charger takes the MiniWiz two different sources of renewable energy: wind and sun. The portable charger recharges two AA batteries, has the option of plugging into the outlet and recharge USB cable saw products. The product already existed in the version with only wind and novelty, which combines the two forms of energy, was filed last week in Las Vegas. The HYmini is available online only to U.S. customers for $ 50 on the web http://www.miniwiz.con.

Video projector:
The launch of the Casio is the first video projector in the world that promises to keep video quality, even in light rooms, without using mercury lamps. The line "Green Slim" has nine models of projectors, portable sizes that use laser and LED technology. The models initially reach only the Japanese market on January 29, priced from U.S. $ 1.6 billion and U.S. $ 3.5 mil.

Charger for iPod and iPhone:
The Regen launched a charger for iPhone and iPod-based solar power. The Engadget points out the practicality of the product, which can be connected via USB devices and also offers the ability to upload directly into the jack. The website of the company already offers the product for $ 199.

Wireless Power Meter:
The Oregon Scientific meter promises to help consumers to maintain control of how much energy they are using and what devices are being loaded. The Wireless Manager Appliance uses remote sensors to measure energy consumption, cost and carbon emissions to up to four different devices in real time. A timer can be used as a wireless control panel to turn off lights and electronics. The device will be launched the coming months and should cost about $ 60.

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