Social networks, "fuel" for smartphones

The so-called smart phones that allow, among other things, Internet access, will be of massive use thanks to the "insatiable appetite" of the public for social networks, analysts say the mobile phone market in Britain.

Researchers predict for next year an explosion in sales along with falling prices.

The prediction takes place the same week the launch of the latest Blackberry model, called "Storm 2.

While the "Palm Pre", dubbed the "iPhone murderer," finally makes its entry into the UK market.


"The Internet on cell phones is on the same stage where the Internet was in 1998," says Ian Fogg, analyst at Forrester.

Ben Wood, a researcher at CCS Insight, agrees: "We are on the cusp of an explosion of devices that seem computers in the hands of consumers, where previously it was only a privilege of the first who could afford them.

"Social networks are the fuel that is encouraging the moment," said Wood.

Increasingly, mobile operators and handset manufacturers are delivering phones that are "an assortment for social messages, alerts are Twitter, IM or the latest pictures on Facebook," said the analyst.

For Eric Schmidt, Google's director, could be the time to leave the label of "smart phone".

"The smart phone is not really a smartphone. It's actually a GPS device is a camera and a camcorder and a place where you can play games and browse the Internet, and, oh by the way, you can make calls.

CCS Insight report predicted that by the end of 2009, 44% of cell phone users will access information through their phones, while it is expected that smart phones accounted for 17% of the over one billion equipment produced in 2009.

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