Apple register the trademark iWatch

In the last month Apple was treat to protect the Brand i Watch, this copyright was protected in different countries, such as Taiwan, Russia, Mexico and Japan. Some people say that the new gadget from Apple called iwatch could be one of the series of product By Apple, and join to Ipod and Ipad . This news gadget could be a referent to the development of a new technology, it can use in the body and it became in a mobile technology communication system.

The brand iwatch was registered by an Italy company in the European Union, but now Apple want to register two different kind of product based in the i watch technology.  Analyst say that it can became in a war about copyright, between the most important technology in the world, such as Nokia, Sony, Apple.
The apple watch is going to come says Tom kang, and it was similar to a lot of product form the competition. The intension of Apple is a secret, it decline to comment about this new project and protect the trademark and another applications.
Analyst say the intention is not necessarily to sell the new gadget I watch, it means Apple only planed to prevent another companies using the name I watch. Despite of the new technology or gadget from Apple the Japanese brand Sony had a gadget similar to the project i watch, when the user can see tv, internet, chat, and another features.

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