Father of mobile phone calls for simpler devices

The mobile phone inventor Martin Cooper, said Wednesday that the telephones became much more complicated, with a wide range of services such as camera and music from the first cell that was made, more than three decades.

"When you create a universal device that does everything for everyone does not do anything right," said Cooper, who was a researcher at Motorola, in an international conference on data privacy in Madrid.

"I think our future is a series of specialized devices that focus on one thing that will improve our lives," said Cooper, 80.

The American was the chief engineer for Motorola who developed the mobile phone. He made the first call with a wireless device from a Manhattan street on 3 April 1973.

"The first model weighed a kilo cell phone and could only talk 20 minutes before the battery runs out," he said.

"What we did with this phone was to create a revolution. Before the cell exists, we called a place, now call a person".

From the first call by the popularity of cellular phones has steadily increased, with more than 4,000 million people that have one, according to Cooper, compared with 300,000 in 1984.

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